Top 6 Worst Foods for Our Healthy Hair

Healthy hair, we all wish, but who knows exactly major factors that influence the hair?Genetics, age, hormones and nutrient deficiencies etc all would do.

Food is the only one in our control. But one thing to mention, not all common foods would do good to our hair, data shows only nutrient-rich foods would help, or would do harm.

Today, top 6 worst foods attached for your inference.


High levels of mercury can lead to hair loss

2.Diet Soda

The artificial sweeteners—specifically, aspartame—has been linked to hair loss


Protein is super important for your hair and sugar hinders the absorption of it

4.Starchy Whites

converted into sugar, which causes your hair to thin.

5.Fast Food

Greasy food translates to greasy skin, including on your scalp.


Alcohol slows the levels of zinc in your body, which is a necessary mineral for healthy hair and growth. It also dehydrates your hair, making it more brittle and likely to break.

🔻: Top 10 Best Foods to Promote Hair Growth



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Top 10 Best Foods to Promote Hair Growth